Low-Budget Filmmaking Tip #24

Beware of Werewolves, However

To simulate a full moon, try strapping a 1K Lowell DP, at the end of your longest tripod or C-stand to the top of a fully extended extension ladder. It worked surprisingly well for us. We were able to cut the light through apple trees, which made for even niftier shadows. Gel it if you want. Spooooooky!

We used a lot of rope tying everything together. This all happened as a result of our Cinematographer pointing at the DP light and saying “I don’t care how you do it — just get that damn thing at least thirty feet up that wall.”

If you don’t have trees through which you can shine the light, you can always tie branches to the ladder.

For our full moon shot, the ladder was fully extended and the bottom tied to the nearest chainlink fence.

Had to run a very long extension cord up the ladder, too, but that was fine. I have about a dozen 100’ extension cords, so I’m good that way.

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